
Removal of Object Image Edge Darkening (Vignetting)
through Adaptive Contrast Adjustment of a Linear Light Source

One of the problems encountered in transferring objects to a digitized medium with a linear scanning system is image edge darkening (vignetting). Edge darkening arises from the decrease of refraction or collection property of the lens group towards their ends as the light reflected on the object is projected onto the surface of CCD sensor. In general, lens, due to its optical structure, forms a light distribution like a downward parabolic decreasing from its center towards the ends under the homogeneous light source.

Calibration of lens groups usually becomes insufficient at removing darkenings formed on the image of an object under the homogenous light distribution. For this purpose, realization of microcontroller-based adjustment of independent and dynamic contrast for each LED of the linear light source designed in LED array is considered. The sample values taken from LED array of the light source  prior to image capture of the scanner is compared with white reference LED array values so that it is made a decision on the distribution of light on the object. The individual dynamic contrasts of LED array are adjusted by driving a PWM-based switching circuit with the brightness values obtained from the computer.

The image results obtained by applying the known effective shadow correction algorithms to the images under the homogeneous light source is compared with the image results reported in eliminating edge darkening.

Android Based Telemetry Application


This study which covers a telemetry application using GSM technology has already accomplished using TC65 GPRS modem which supports java programming language. The application hardware, called redressor unit and commonly used in cathodic protection, consists of three main parts: AC to DC converter unit, remote measurement and control unit (RMCU), and a server computer. A microcontroller-based measurement unit, managed by the server application, measures the output voltage and current of the converter and sends them back to the server through the modem. The server has a database which stores the data and sends reference output voltage of redressor if it is required.

A new study will be started using a new GSM/GPRS device instead of TC65. The mobile device which supports the android operating system will have a dynamic IP and run as the client application and set the communication between the server and RMCU.